Friday, July 15, 2011

Hey Guys!

Got dragged into going out of town so I probably won't get my next review up until after this weekend. I will say that my next pick is an Alfred Hitchcock film. But which one is it? You might get Vertigo, or go Psycho, staring out your Rear Window at The Birds while you try to figure it out :P Yea, that was lame, whatever.


  1. go vertigo, birds and psycho are very well known works. bring people into something the might not have seen

  2. Sometimes movies are that well known because they are just that good. Don't worry though, I've got some lesser known movies coming up as well :)

  3. I think the only Hitchcock I've seen is Psycho, and that was in English class and I got to be the one that said that the girl was smiling in the shower because she was giving herself pleasure by rubbing herself...and complain to the teacher that not every object was in fact a phallus. I'm not sure if I actually did complain about that, but she certainly kept pointing out every little thing that looked slightly like a gentlemans region, I think she had problems lol.

  4. Ohoh. I'll be looking forward to this one.

  5. I would say Vertigo as well.

  6. I have yet to see an Alfred Hitchcock movie oh well, neat blog though, will be good to follow.

  7. Birds please... best movie ever.

  8. I agree with gimpel! you gotta love psycho haha but its been ages since i've seen it. Keep us posted, great blog
